Submissions from 2021
Basic Chemistry Ancillary Materials, Suzanne Ellenberger, Vince Du, Sara Blankenship, Ana West, Joel Caughran, and Rupa Gokal
Freshman Chemistry II Ancillary Materials, Suzanne Ellenberger, Vince Du, Sara Blankenship, Ana West, Joel Caughran, and Rupa Gokal
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning Ancillary Materials, Houbin Fang, Nehal Shukla, and Elizabeth McInnis
Survey of Chemistry I Solved Problems Set, Anne Gaquere-Parker and Farooq Khan
MATLAB Marina (Mechanical Engineering Expansion), Priya Goeser, Thomas Murphy, Christopher Williams, Jung Choi, and Davis Calamas
Data Communication and Networking Ancillary Materials (2nd edition), Meng Han
Introduction to FinTech in IT Ancillary Materials, Meng Han
Computer Modeling and Simulations Ancillary Materials, Selena He, Patrick Bobbie, Chih-Cheng Hung, and Jose Gorrido
Business, Value, and You Excel Exercises, Leonard Jackson, William Bogner, M. James Kahiga, Janet Orr, Brent Winner, Kate Kendall, Leslie Dunn, Bryan Way, and Bryn Richardson
Introductory Medical Microbiology Ancillary Materials (2021 Update), Veronica Morin, Andrew Dawson, Banhi Nandi, Kimberly Subacz, and Elizabeth Fleming
Introductory Physics II Video Lecture Series, Shafat Mubin
General Astronomy Ancillary Materials, Shafat Mubin and Dereth Jan Drake
OpenStax Introductory Statistics Ancillary Materials, Camille Pace and Laura Ralston
Supplementary Readings for Theatrical Worlds, Brian Ray, Susan Roe, and Kyle Basko
Introduction to Information Security (D2L Export), Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Carroll, and Japheth Koech
Saylor Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment Ancillary Materials, Sheryne Southard and Xueyu Cheng
Submissions from 2020
Quantitative Reasoning Workbook, April Abbott, Elwanda Coston, Gary Dicks, Jan Gregus, Sheila McLendon, and Amanda Urquhart
OpenStax Sociology Ancillary Materials, Rodger Bates and Karen Young
NOBA Project Ancillary Materials for Abnormal Psychology, J. Sean Callahan, Elizabeth Dose, Luba Ibrahim, and Marla Means
Major Graded Assignment on Implicit Bias (PSYC 1101), J. Sean Callahan and Bentley Gibson
OpenStax Physics Warm-Up Exercises, Thomas Colbert, Joseph Newton, and Josefa Guerrero-Millan
WeBWorK Problems for OpenStax Introductory Statistics, Michael Dancs and Catherine Matos
Recitation Exercises for Freshman Chemistry I and II, Suzanne Ellenberger, Sara Blankenship, Vince Du, Jessica Jensen, and William Ellenberger
Ancillary Materials for OpenStax Precalculus (GCSU), Rachel Epstein and Marcela Chiorescu
Strategy Policy and Governance (Ancillary Set), Richard Halstead-Nussloch
Software Design and Development (Ancillary Set), Meng Han
Algorithm Analysis (Ancillary Set), Selena He
Data Structures (Ancillary Materials), Selena He
World Regional Geography: Curated Materials List (KSU), Ulrike Ingram and Jason Rhodes
Front End Development I Labs, Uttam Kokil
IT Capstone Course (Ancillary Set), Lei Li
Mathematical Modeling: Instructor and Student Resources, Marnie Phipps and Patty Wagner
College Algebra Notes and Exercises (GCSU), Rabia Shahbaz and Janice Alves
Guided Notes for College Algebra (GGC), Rabia Shahbaz and Janice Alves
Computer Networks and System Administration (Ancillary Set), Hossain Shahriar
Two Nations, One Land: UNSCOP and the Question of Israel (1947), D. Jason Slone
Digital Media Workbook, Joycelyn Streator
Introduction to Medical Microbiology LibGuide, Kimberly Subacz and Banhi Nandi
Data Structures Open Course (GA Southern), Weitian Tong and Lixin Li
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science Ancillary Materials (GA Southern), Weitian Tong and Lixin Li
In-Class Activities for OpenStax Astronomy, Rosa Williams and Kimberly Shaw
Practical Data Analysis Ancillary Materials (Ancillary Set), Ying Xie
Big Data System Administration (Open Course), Guangzhi Zheng and Ying Xie
Submissions from 2019
Ancillary Materials for Psychology Research Methods and Data Analysis I, Aisha Adams and Stephanie da Silva
Arduino Lab Assignments for Principles of Physics II, William Baird and Jeffery Secrest
Practice Questions for OpenStax Economics 2nd Edition, Levent Bulut and Ellis Heath
D2L Files and Question Import Tool for Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1101), J. Sean Callahan and Katie Bridges
Python Practice Assignments for Computer Science I, Hyrum Carroll and Hillary Fleenor
Lectures and Test Bank for Human Growth and Development (GSW), Ellen Cotter
Class Notes and Worksheets for Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Bikash Das and Hashim Saber
Instructor Ancillary Resources for OpenStax Sociology 2nd Edition (GSU), Kathy Dolan and Jennie Law
Reading Guides for OpenStax Concepts of Biology, Kathryn Dye
Molecular Modeling Labs for Freshman Chemistry I, Suzanne Ellenberger, Sara Blankenship, Ana West, Rupa Gokal, Daphne Norton, Nick Nguyen, and Cynthia Tope
Practice Problem Worksheets for Freshman Chemistry I (OpenStax Chemistry 2nd Edition), Suzanne Ellenberger, Wenjian Du, Sara Blankenship, Ana West, Rupa Gokal, and Joel Caughran
Video Collection for World Civilizations II (GHC), Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, and J. Sean Callahan
Video Set for American History I (The American Yawp), Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, and J. Sean Callahan
Video Collection for World Civlizations I (GHC), Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, J. Sean Callahan, and Karen Huggin
Open-Source PSPP Guide for Psychological Statistics, Gary Fisk
Specification-Based Grading Resources for OpenStax College Physics (GGC), Edward Forringer
Overview of Mobile Systems: Study Guides and Lectures (KSU), Meng Han and Guangzhi Zheng
Video Set for Principles of Biology I and II, Sharryse Henderson, Kimberly Subacz, and Brandy Rogers
Ancillary Materials for Psychological Adjustment, Deborah Lee
Classroom Activities for OpenStax American Government, Michael Lewkowicz, Dovile Budryte, Scott Boykin, Laura Young, and Yohannes Gedamu
Database Design and Applications (Open Course), Lei Li and Rebecca Rutherfoord
Ancillary Resources for OpenStax Psychology (CSU), Amber Lupo and Stephanie da Silva PhD
Notes and Practice Problems for OpenStax Calculus I, Patcharin Marion and Ishwari Kunwar
Western Civilization Since 1648 (EGA), Dee McKinney and Katie Shepard
Elementary Statistics (GHC) (Open Course), Camille Pace, Katie Bridges, Laura Ralston, Elizabeth Clark, Brent Griffin, Kamisha DeCoudreaux, Zac Johnston, and Vincent Manatsa
World History II (Open Course) (GA Southern), Juanjuan Peng and Hongjie Wang
Data Visualization Assignments for Principles of Information Technology Management (CSU), Jennifer Pitts
Video Lectures and Ancillary Materials for OpenStax Psychology (CCGA), Aurora Ramos Nunez, Neda Moinolmolki, Karen Hambright, Charlsie Myers, Karla Bluhm, Marci Culley, and Kimberly Mannahan
Open Geography and GIS (Open Courses), Tiffani Reardon, Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, Jason Rhodes, and Ulrike Ingram
Database Systems Course Materials Set, Rebecca H. Rutherfoord and Lei Li
Internet of Things (Open Course), Rebecca Rutherfoord, Susan VandeVen, Guangzhi Zheng, Hossain Shahriar, and Xin Tian
Study Guides and Videos for OpenStax Biology, Chapters 5-7 (EGSC), Martiana Sega and David Chevalier
Ethical Hacking for Effective Defense (Modules, Labs, and Lectures), Hossain Shahriar
Ancillary Materials for Advanced First Aid and Emergency Care, Natalie Stickney and Donya Little
Ancillary Resources for OpenStax Chemistry, CHEM 1211 and 1212 (GHC), Sarah Tesar, Allen Easton, and Erin Kingston
New Media Production (Open Course), John Weatherford and Jennifer Malson
Free Music Dictations (Aural Skills I-IV), Jeffrey Yunek and Benjamin Wadsworth
Submissions from 2018
Film Aesthetics (Open Course), Thomas Anderson and Elizabeth Lathrop
Fundamentals of Computer Applications for Business (GHC) (Open Course), David Bridges and Katie Bridges
Introduction to Human Development (GHC) (Open Course), J. Sean Callahan, Elizabeth Dose, Stephanie Wright, Camille Pace, Rachel Earl, and Dana Nummerdor
Anatomy and Physiology I & II Video Set (GHC), Jason Christian, Veronica Morin, and Sharryse Henderson
Human Growth and Development: Lecture Slides, Ellen Cotter, Gary Fisk, and Judy Orton Grissett
Human Growth and Development: Question Library, Ellen Cotter, Gary Fisk, and Judy Orton Grissett
Principles of Chemistry I & II (Open Courses), Allen Easton, Sarah Tesar, and Erin Kingston
Principles of Physics II Study Guides and Homework Materials, Francis Flaherty, Dereth Drake, and Michael Holt
Principles of Physics I Study and Homework Materials, Francis Flaherty, Dereth Drake, and Michael Holt
Research Methods in Psychology Ancillary Set, Judy Orton Grissett
Plants, Society, and the Environment (Open Course), Thomas Harnden and Katie Bridges
Anatomy and Physiology I & II (GHC), Carol Hoban, Merry Clark, Kimberly Subacz, Sharryse Henderson, and Karin Bennedsen
Introduction to Ecology (Open Course), Ching-Yu Huang, Janice Crook-Hill, Andrea Darracq, Hugo Collantes, James Wilkison, Enes Aganovic, and Terri Bell
Active Learning Experiences for Social Psychology, Charles Huffman and Ru Story Huffman
Organismal Biology (Open Course), Shana Kerr and David Garton
WeBWorK Problems for OpenStax Calculus Volume I, Scott Kersey and Stephen Carden
WeBWorK Problems for OpenStax Introductory Statistics, Scott Kersey and Stephen Carden
Digital Media (Course Files), Shuhua Lai and Kairui Chen
Wireless Security (Lecture Slides), Lei Li and Meng Han
Information Security Concepts and Administration (Open Course), Zhigang Li, Meng Han, and Lei Li