Submissions from 2024
General Chemistry II Recitations and Worksheets, Eman Abdelrahman and Matthew Seivert
Introductory Biology I & II Lab Manual, April Bostian, Corinne Summerill, JoDi Osborn-Ward, and Rubena Cela
Financial Literacy Curriculum for Mathematics Educators, John Bragelman, Patty Wagner, Marnie Phipps, Maryna Murdock, and Luke Atwood
K-2 Mathematics Resources for Parents/Guardians Ancillary Materials, Heidi Eisenreich, Andria Disney, and Dawn N. Cannon-Rech
Undergraduate Introduction to Special Education Open Course, Eric Landers, Adam Carreon, and Kymberly Harris
Introduction to Special Education Open Course, Eric Landers, Kymberly Harris, and Adam C. Carreon
Advanced Databases Ancillary Materials (2024 Update), Linh Le, Maria Valero, William Forsyth, Guangzhi Zheng, Donald Privitera, and Jamie Jamison
Principles of Chemistry I and II Ancillary Materials, Logan Leslie, Farooq Khan, Martin McPhail, and Spencer Slattery
Introduction to Biology I Ancillaries, Martiana Sega and Jimmy Wedincamp
General Chemistry I Recitations and Worksheets, Matthew Seivert and Eman Abdelrahman
Parallel and Distributed Computing Open Course, Kun Suo, Patrick Bobbie, and Bobin Deng
Foundations of Numbers and Operations Ancillary Materials, Rauf Tailony, Rebecca Griffin, Cindi Kirland, and Bernard Majdi
Enterprise AI Applications Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Chole Xie, Nazmus Sakib, Liang Zhao, and Linh Le
Enterprise Cloud and Wireless Security Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Chole Xie, Nazmus Sakib, Liang Zhao, and Linh Le
IT System Acq & Integration Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Chole Xie, Nazmus Sakib, Liang Zhao, and Linh Le
Software Design and Development Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Chole Xie, Nazmus Sakib, Liang Zhao, and Linh Le
Advanced Application Development (Lecture Slides), Maria Valero, William Forsyth, Guangzhi Zheng, Donald Privitera, and Jamie Jamison
Introduction to Data Analytics and Technology Ancillary Materials, Maria Valero, William Forsyth, Guangzhi Zheng, Donald Privitera, and Jamie Jamison
Programming Principles Lecture Slides, Maria Valero, William Forsyth, Guangzhi Zheng, Donald Privitera, and Jamie Jamison
Physical Science II Course Materials and Lab Materials, liqiu zheng Dr., Donna-May Sakura-Lemessy, Dorene Medlin, and Richard Mason
Submissions from 2023
Elementary Statistics MyOpenMath Course, Dawit Aberra, Samuel Cartwright, Bhavana Burell, and Fesseha Gebremikael
Introduction to Databases Open Course, Sherly Abraham, Madhushri Banerjee, and Lissa Pollacia
Organizational Theory in Higher Education Ancillary Materials, Katherine Adams, Michael Lanford, and Katlynn Fisher
Cell Biology Ancillary Materials, Alessandra L. Barrera, Shoshana Katzman, Jennifer Hurst-Kennedy, and Jennell M. Talley
Lecture Slides and Programs for Introductory Physics I, Dmitriy Beznosko and Tatiana Krivosheev
Lecture Slides and Programs for Introductory Physics II, Dmitriy Beznosko and Tatiana Krivosheev
TILT Activities for Biopsychology and Psychology Research Methods, J. Sean Callahan and Elizabeth Dose
Critical and Contemporary Education Ancillary Materials, J. Sean Callahan, Michelle Mitchell, Josie Baudier, and Susanna Smith
Exploring Teaching and Learning Ancillary Materials, J. Sean Callahan, Darrell Sorrells, Jennifer Carpenter, Josie Baudier, and Susanna R. Smith
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management, Ariel Cornett, Montana Smithey, Sam Rhodes, Chelda Smith Kondo, Katie Brkich, and Nikki Cannon-Rech
Psychology of Health and Wellness Open Course, Ashlee Davis, Sasha McBurse, Duke Biber, Lisa Jellum, and Melanie A. Vincent
Social Determinants of Health Open Course, Ashlee Davis, Sasha McBurse, Duke Biber, Lisa Jellum, and Melanie A. Vincent
Drugs, Alcohol, and Society Ancillary Materials, Daniel Farr, Wendell Johnson, Tanja Link, Brian Starks, and Evelina W. Sterling
Econ Reimagined: Interactive Tools for Principles of Microeconomics, Shelby D. Frost, J. Todd Swarthout, Mya Eveland, and Amy Eremionkhale
Ancillary Materials for Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology, Bridget Garner, Kristina Meichner, Samantha Schlemmer, and Jamie Tarigo
Computer Science Resources and Student Projects at Columbus State University, Linqiang Ge, Anastasia Angelopoulou, Yi Zhou, Sukjin Lee, and Rania Hodhod
Introduction to Human Development Assignment Set, Pinar Gurkas, Eric Bridges, and Catherine Deering
Cloud Computing and Application Development (Common Cartridge), Shuguang Hong and Rubena Cela
Introduction to Information Systems, Wei Jin, Yi Ding, Madhushri Banerjee, Hyesung Park, and Xin Xu
Calculus I Lecture Slides, Ben Kamau and Nehal Shukla
Labs and Ancillary Materials for BIOL 3310, William Kenyon and Sara Molesworth-Kenyon
Julia's New Job: Organizational Behavior Case Studies, Yui Jin Kim, Jiani Zhu, and Jeffrey Howard
Forensic Science Open Course, Shainaz M. Landge, Debanjana Ghosh, Elizabeth C. Sargent, Dawn N. Cannon-Rech, Jeffrey M. Mortimore, and Deborah Walker
Software Design and Development Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Zhigang Li, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ming Yang, Garima Banerjee, Maria Valero, and Suma Veeravenkatappa
Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, and Networks Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Zhigang Li, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ming Yang, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, Garima Banerjee, and Suma Veeravenkatappa
IT Capstone Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Zhigang Li, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ming Yang, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, Garima Banerjee, and Suma Veeravenkatappa
IT Strategy, Policy, and Governance Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Zhigang Li, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ming Yang, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, Garima Banerjee, and Suma Veeravenkatappa
Web Technologies and Application Development Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Zhigang Li, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ming Yang, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, Garima Banerjee, and Suma Veeravenkatappa
Linux and Unix Administration Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Rebecca H. Rutherfoord, Zhigang Li, Xin Tian, Linh Le, Darin Morrow, Garima Banerjee, and Eno-obong Inyang
Advanced Web Technologies Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Zhigang Li, Shirley Tian, Linh Le, Darin Morrow, Garima Banerjee, and Eno-obong Inyang
Database Design and Applications Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Zhigang Li, Shirley Tian, Linh Le, Darin Morrow, Garima Banerjee, and Eno-obong Inyang
Practical Data Analytics Ancillary Materials, Lei Li, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Zhigang Li, Shirley Tian, Linh Le, Darin Morrow, Garima Banerjee, and Eno-obong Inyang
Introductory Studio Physics Video Set, Nandana Weliweriya Liyanage and Shameer Abdeen
Economic History and Medical History Ancillary Materials, Bronson Long, Jayme Feagin, Jeff Brown, and Brian Armstrong
Ancillary Materials for The American Yawp: American History I, Bronson Long, Jayme Feagin, and Karen Huggin
Ancillary Materials for The American Yawp: American History II, Bronson Long, Jayme Feagin, and Karen Huggin
OpenStax Chemistry 2nd Edition Remix and Ancillary Materials, Beulah Narendrapurapu, Nikki Cannon-Rech, Jeffrey Mortimore, and Deborah Walker
Human Rights in Asia LibGuide, Nalanda Roy
Data Communications and Networking Ancillary Materials, Hossain Shahriar, Donald Privitera, William Forsyth, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, and Jamie Jamison
Ethical Hacking for Effective Defense Ancillary Materials, Hossain Shahriar, Donald Privitera, William Forsyth, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, and Jamie Jamison
Management of IT and HCI Ancillary Materials, Hossain Shahriar, Donald Privitera, William Forsyth, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, and Jamie Jamison
Introduction to Web Development (Multiple Ancillaries), Hossain Shahriar, Donald Privitera, William Forsyth, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Jamie Jamison, Guangzhi Zheng, and Zhigang Li
Big Data System Administration Open Course, Hossain Shahriar, Ying Xie, Maria Valero, Donald Privitera, and Chi Zhang
Foundations of IT, Hossain Shahriar, Ying Xie, Maria Valero, Donald Privitera, and Chi Zhang
Hardware/Software Concepts Lecture Slides, Hossain Shahriar, Ying Xie, Maria Valero, Donald Privitera, and Chi Zhang
Information Security Lecture Slides, Hossain Shahriar, Ying Xie, Maria Valero, Donald Privitera, and Chi Zhang
Internet of Things Open Course, Hossain Shahriar, Ying Xie, Maria Valero, Donald Privitera, and Chi Zhang
Cloud Computing Open Course, Yong Shi
Machine Learning for Enterprise Applications Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Ying Xie, Linh Le, Jamie Jamison, and Darin Morrow
Tech Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Ying Xie, Linh Le, Jamie Jamison, and Darin Morrow
Web and Mobile Application Security Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Ying Xie, Linh Le, Jamie Jamison, and Darin Morrow
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science Ancillary Materials, Weitian Tong and Lixin Li
Algorithm Analysis and Data Structures Lecture Slides, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Artificial Intelligence Curated Materials, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Knowledge Process for GIS Data Assignments for ArcGIS, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Introductory Physics I with Lab Ancillary Materials, Amy Turner, Sherita Moses, Tae Song Lee, Zengjun Chen, and Dana Johnson
Ethical Hacking: Network Security and Penetration Testing Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Shirley Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Machine Learning Technology in FinTech Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Shirley Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Blockchain Technology in Payments Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Xin Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Submissions from 2022
Survey of Chemistry I Homework and Lab Materials, Leonard Anagho, Patrice Bell, Neville Forlemu, Emily Henary, Rebecca Kalman, Michael Kirberger, Seungjin Lee, Xiaoping Li, Joshua Morris, and Sang Park
Principles of Physics I Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Principles of Physics II Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Solar System Astronomy Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Ancillary Materials, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Human Anatomy and Physiology Video Lab Series, Diana Botnaru, Matthew Syno, Jody Langdon, Samuel Wilson, Nicholas Siekirk, Dawn N. Cannon-Rech, and Deborah Walker
Interactive Tools for Principles of Microeconomics, Amy Eremionkhale, Mya Eveland, Shelby Frost, Todd Swarthout, Reginald Hebert, Eye Eoun Jung, and Ga Hye Jeon
OpenStax College Algebra Ancillary Materials, Amy Erickson, Katherine Pinzon, Keith Erickson, Joshua Roberts, and Tonya DeGeorge
Minorities in US History LibGuide, Jayme Feagin and Karen Huggin
Mobile Software Development Lab Activities, Selena He
Remote Mentoring of Undergraduate Research Students (ReMentURS), Shainaz Landge, Abid Shaikh, Elizabeth Sargent, and Dawn Cannon-Rech
Operating Systems Modules, Atef Mohamed, Christopher Kadlec, Hossain Shahriar, Dawn N. Cannon-Rech, and Deborah Walker
OpenStax Calculus I Ancillary Materials, Katherine Pinzon, Joshua Roberts, Tonya DeGeorge, Barb Mann, and Chris Robinson
Computer Forensics (Graduate) Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
Computer Forensics (Undergraduate) Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
Management of IT Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
OpenStax Concepts of Biology Ancillary Materials (EGA), Martiana Sega and Jimmy Wedincamp
Software Acquisition and Project Management Materials, Susan VandeVen
IT Policy and Law (Undergraduate) Materials, Chi Zhang
IT Policy and Law (Graduate) Materials, Chi Zhang, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Guangzhi Zheng, and Susan VandeVen
Business Intelligence Systems Materials, Guangzhi Zheng