Submissions from 2024
Research Grant: Librarian Advocacy and OER Sustainability, Sabrina Davis and Kristina Clement
Research Grant: Standardized Low-Cost Curriculum for English Composition I, Stephanie Denny, Tom Lilly, Tammy Powell, Jeanne Law-Bohannon, and Mark Partridge
Adoption of Library Materials for Psychology of Addictions, Chizara Jones, Charlie Harris, Antoinette Miller, and Corneliu Chiorescu
Adoption of Exploring Public Speaking, Mark Laughlin, Ashley Jones, Jonathan Carter, and Hailey Henderson
Curated Materials for Education Research Courses, Kelly Long, Katherine Adams, and Michael McElveen
Fraud Examination Adoption, S. Cathy McCrary
Research Grant: No-Cost Truncated Course for English 1101, Tammy Powell and James Blakely
Introduction to Biology I Ancillaries, Martiana Sega and Jimmy Wedincamp
Computational Intelligence Adoption, Weitian Tong
Submissions from 2023
Exploring Teaching and Learning Ancillary Materials, J. Sean Callahan, Darrell Sorrells, Jennifer Carpenter, Josie Baudier, and Susanna R. Smith
English Composition I and II Adoption, Amelia Lewis, Bryn Gravitt, Keir Singleton, Tamara Lebron, Jeanne Law, and Linda Lyons
Introduction to General Psychology Adoption, Christopher Stanzione and Meghan Babcock
Understanding Asia Adoption, Ginny Q. Zhan, Xuefei Ma, May Hongmei Gao, Sha Huang, and Hye Won Kim
Books from 2022
Programming Languages Adoptions (CSU), Anastasia Angelopoulou, Rania Hodhod, Sukjin Lee, Linqiang Ge, Japheth Koech, and Yujing Gao
Adoption of EXPLORATIONS: An Open Invitation To Biological Anthropology, Lisa Gezon, Corey Maggiano, and Isabel Maggiano
Lumen Waymaker Abnormal Psychology Adoption, Nancy Gup, April Crisp, Martha Fulk, and Sheeji Kathuria
Introduction to Social Work (GSU), Jan Ligon and Lionel Scott Jr.
Lumen Waymaker Introduction to Psychology Adoption, Jessica Traylor, Jane-Marie McKinney, and Autumn Schaffer
Principles of Drug Design (Medicines by Design Adoption), Christine Whitlock and Dawn Cannon-Rech
Books from 2021
Sociology of the Family, Daniel Farr and Judy Brown-Allen
OpenStax Sociology 2e and Sociology Experiment Adoptions, Daniel Farr, Joel Crombez, Cristina Stephens, Linda Treiber, and William White
Organic Chemistry Adoption, Megumi Fujita, Victoria Geisler, and Partha Ray
OpenStax Entrepreneurship Adoption, Geoffrey Graybeal, Daniel Le, and Kate Kendall
American Criminal Courts Curated Resources, Cyntoria Johnson and Thaddeus Johnson
Criminal Law Adoption, Cyntoria Johnson and La Loria Konata
Introduction to Computing Principles, Kaleigh Kendrick
Chemistry I No- and Low-Cost Adoption, John Meyers, Augustine Agyeman, Kelli Bain, Drew Brandon, Aubrey Dyer, and Emily Surber
Saylor Introductory Statistics and OpenStax Introductory Statistics Adoption, Brian Muse, Madhusudan Bhandary, and Kristin Lilly
Introduction to Database Systems, Sarah North and Xiaohua Xu
OpenStax Introductory Statistics Adoption, Zephyrinus Okonkwo, Anilkumar Deverapu, Chinenye Ofodile, Anthony Smith, Li Feng, Vijay Kunwar, Laxmi Paudel, and Eric Benson
Math in Society (Quantitative Reasoning) Adoption, Zephyrinus Okonkwo, Anilkumar Deverapu, Anthony Smith, Jeffery Swords, Laxmi Paudel, and Vijay Kunwar
Introduction to Education Research Adoption (Library Resources), Elizabeth Pope and Phillip Grant
OpenDSA Data Structures and Algorithms Adoption, Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Caroll, and Japheth Koech
Java Programming Adoption, Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Carroll, and Japheth Koech
Organic Chemistry Lab Techniques Adoption, Christine Whitlock and Shainaz Landge
Books from 2020
ITEC 3200: Introduction to Databases, Sherly Abraham and Sonal Dekhane
OpenStax Sociology Ancillary Materials, Rodger Bates and Karen Young
CPSC 1302: Computer Science II, Hyrum Carroll
NURS 3191: Professional Clinical Nursing, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3194: Pathophysiology, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3195: Evidence-Based Practice, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3293: Introduction to Health Assessment, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
Introduction to Anthropology Activities and Case Studies, Gregory Gullette and Jenna Andrews-Swann
CRJU 2700: American Criminal Courts, Cyntoria Johnson and Thaddeus Johnson
CYBR 2106: Introduction to Information Security, Yeşem Kurt Peker
CPSC 2108: Data Structures, Alfredo Perez
ENGL 2110: World Literature Curated Resources, Tiffani Reardon, Kristin Rajan, and JoAnn Loverde-Dropp
Practical Data Analysis Ancillary Materials (Ancillary Set), Ying Xie
Books from 2019
Principles of Physics II (GA Southern), William Baird and Jeffery Secrest
Statistics for Sociology (KSU), Dawn Baunach and Tamara Powell
Nursing Clinical Calculations Adoption, Michelle Boyce, Sue West, Rebecca Maddox, and Katie Bridges
Psychology of Diversity (GHC), J. Sean Callahan and Alexis Carter
Mathematical Modeling (FVSU), Samuel Cartwright and Bhavana Burell
Principles of Biology I & II (ATLM), Candice Chatman, Alvin Harmon, Deon O'Bryant, and Stephen Klusza
Elementary Italian I & II, Renata Creekmur, Federica Santini, and Andrea Scapolo
College Algebra (ATLM), Shreyas Desai, Anthonia Ekwuocha, and Noel Whelchel
Composition I & II (CSU), Rebecca Gerdes-McClain, Crystal Woods, Clayton O'Dell, Sundi Rose, Courtney George, and Patrick Jackson
Survey of Calculus (GA Southern), Paul Hadavas
Advanced Web Development (KSU), Meng Han and Jack Zheng
Anatomy and Physiology I & II (UGA, Scaling Up OER), DeLoris Hesse, Lindsey Beebe, Ann Massey, Daniel McNabney, and Rob Nichols
American Government (EGA), Brett Larson and H. Lee Cheek
World Regional Geography, Jia Lu and Jessica Taylor
Anatomy and Physiology I & II (ABAC), Leslie Pryor McIntosh, DeLoris Hesse, Andrew McIntosh, Heather Cathcart, Arielle Hunt, and Kingsley Dunkley
Software Engineering Adoptions, Reza Parizi and Paola Spoletini
Software Acquisition and Project Management (KSU), Rebecca Rutherfoord, Dawn Tatum, Susan VandeVen, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, James Rutherfoord, and Zhigang Li
Cloud Computing (KSU), Yong Shi, Dan Lo, Selena He, Mingon Kang, and Sarah North
Computer Organization and Architecture (KSU), Yong Shi, Dan Lo, Selena He, Mingon Kang, and Sarah North
User Interface Engineering (KSU), Yong Shi, Dan Lo, Selena He, Mingon Kang, and Sarah North
Mobile Software Development (KSU), Yong Shi, Dan Lo, Selena He, Sarah North, and Mingon Kang
English Composition I & II (GSU, G2C), Rebecca Weaver, Lynne Bost, Michelle Kassorla, Karen McKinney-Holley, and Kirk Swenson
American History I (Gordon State), J. Franklin Williamson and Thomas Aiello
Descriptive Astronomy I: The Solar System (CSU), Rosa Williams and Kimberly Shaw
Educational Psychology (UWG), Yan Yang, CJ Ivory, and Anne Barnhart
Books from 2018
College Algebra (ABAC), April Abbott, Gary Dicks, Jan Gregus, Buddhi Pantha, Melanie Partlow, Lori Pearman, Amanda Urquhart, and Eunkyung You
Statistics (ABAC), April Abbott, Gary Dicks, Jan Gregus, Buddhi Pantha, Melanie Partlow, Lori Pearman, Amanda Urquhart, and Eunkyung You
Introduction to Information Systems (GSU), Teresa Adams and Illiad Connally
Introduction to Weather and Climate (VSU), Jason Allard and Weimin Feng
Film Aesthetics, Thomas Anderson and Elizabeth Lathrop
Principles of Physics I (GA Southern), William Baird and Jeffery Secrest
Fundamentals of Computer Applications for Business (GHC), David Bridges and Katie Bridges
Behavioral and Psychological Aspects of Physical Education and Coaching, Charity Bryan, Jennifer Purcell, and Sandra Jones
Programming and Problem Solving I, Charity Bryan, Jennifer Purcell, and Sandra Jones
Service as Leadership, Charity Bryan, Jennifer Purcell, and Sandra Jones
American Government (GGC), Dovile Budryte, Scott Boykin, Michael Lewkowicz, and Laura Young
Introduction to Human Development (GHC), J. Sean Callahan, Elizabeth Dose, Stephanie Wright, Camille Pace, Katie Bridges, Rachel Earl, and Dana Nummerdor
Calculus for Business and Economics, Samuel Cartwright, Bhavana Burell, Patcharin Marion, and Jianmin Zhu
Calculus I (FVSU), Samuel Cartwright, Bhavana Burell, Patcharin Marion, and Jianmin Zhu
Calculus II (FVSU), Samuel Cartwright, Bhavana Burell, Patcharin Marion, and Jianmin Zhu
Differential Equations (FVSU), Samuel Cartwright, Bhavana Burell, Patcharin Marion, and Jianmin Zhu
Introductory Physical Education Courses (UGA), James Castle, Ilse Mason, Sophie Walter, Stephen Bridges, and Stephen Balfour
Introduction to Human Geography (GGC), David Dorrell, Todd Lindley, Georgeta Connor, Joseph Henderson, and James Lowry
Introduction to Criminal Justice (KSU), Daniel Farr and Angela Nava
American History I & II (GHC), Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, Katie Bridges, and J. Sean Callahan
World Civilizations I & II (GHC), Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, and J. Sean Callahan
Principles of Physics I & II (VSU), Francis Flaherty, Dereth Drake, and Michael Holt
Walking and Jogging for Fitness (GHC), Scott Flynn, Lisa Jellum, Jonathan Howard, Althea Moser, David Mathis, Christin Collins, Sharryse Henderson, and Connie Watjen
Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (GHC), Scott Flynn, Lisa Jellum, Althea Moser, Jonathan Howard, Sharryse Henderson, Christin Collins, Amanda West, and David Mathis
Anatomy and Physiology I & II (UNG), Larry Gibson and Valerie Fambrough
Elementary Spanish I & II, Federica Goldoni, Luis Mora, and Stacy Rusnak
Intermediate Spanish I & II (GGC), Federica Goldoni, Luis Mora, and Stacy Rusnak