The Basics of American Government, Third Edition (all rights reserved)
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Author's Description:
"The Basics of American Government is a collaborative effort among eight current and one former faculty members in the Departments of Political Science and Criminal Justice at University of North Georgia. The purpose of this book is to offer a no-frills, low-cost, yet comprehensive overview of the American political system for students taking introductory courses in American national government.
Furthermore, the work combines the best aspects of both a traditional textbook and a reader in that most chapters offer a piece of original scholarship as a case study to bolster or reinforce the material presented in the chapter. In addition, many chapters present a civic engagement-type exercise and discussion questions intended to challenge, engage, and foster student participation in the political system.
The authors undertook this project for several reasons, most notably the high costs of textbooks for students and the lack of college-level scholarship found in most American Government texts.
This 470-page, peer-reviewed, edited book that combines traditional material with original scholarship will cost students $27.99, well below market standards. All of the authors are experienced classroom instructors, subject matter experts, and published researchers in the field of American politics."
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Course Title
American Government
Course Number
POLS 1101
Publication Date
Summer 2017
University of North Georgia Press
american government
American Politics
Recommended Citation
Cavalli, Carl, "The Basics of American Government, Third Edition (all rights reserved)" (2017). Political Science Open Textbooks. 1.