Submissions from 2023
Web and Mobile Application Security Ancillary Materials, Shirley Tian, Ying Xie, Linh Le, Jamie Jamison, and Darin Morrow
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science Ancillary Materials, Weitian Tong and Lixin Li
Algorithm Analysis and Data Structures Lecture Slides, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Artificial Intelligence Curated Materials, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Knowledge Process for GIS Data Assignments for ArcGIS, Weitian Tong, Lixin Li, and Yao Xu
Introductory Physics I with Lab Ancillary Materials, Amy Turner, Sherita Moses, Tae Song Lee, Zengjun Chen, and Dana Johnson
Principles of Chemistry II Lab Manual, Christopher Wozny, Rebecca Brosky, Eric Crisp, and Amanda Smith
Principles of Chemistry I Lab Manual, Christopher Wozny, Rebecca Brosky, Eric Crisp, and Amanda Smith
Ethical Hacking: Network Security and Penetration Testing Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Shirley Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Machine Learning Technology in FinTech Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Shirley Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Blockchain Technology in Payments Ancillary Materials, Ying Xie, Liang Zhao, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Jack Zheng, Xin Tian, and Hossain Shahriar
Understanding Asia Adoption, Ginny Q. Zhan, Xuefei Ma, May Hongmei Gao, Sha Huang, and Hye Won Kim
Introduction to Biology Open Textbook (Albany State University), Liqiu Zheng, Donna-May Sakura-Lemessy, Dorene Medlin, and Kwaichow Chan
Principles of Physics I Open Textbook, liqiu zheng Dr., Donna-May Sakura-Lemessy, Dorene Medlin, and Kwaichow Chan
Submissions from 2022
Survey of Chemistry I Homework and Lab Materials, Leonard Anagho, Patrice Bell, Neville Forlemu, Emily Henary, Rebecca Kalman, Michael Kirberger, Seungjin Lee, Xiaoping Li, Joshua Morris, and Sang Park
Computer Organization, Anastasia Angelopoulou, Rania Hodhod, Sukjin Lee, Linqiang Ge, and Japheth Koech
Programming Languages Adoptions (CSU), Anastasia Angelopoulou, Rania Hodhod, Sukjin Lee, Linqiang Ge, Japheth Koech, and Yujing Gao
Principles of Computer Programming I, Clément Aubert, Michael Dowell, Richard DeFrancisco, Reza Rahaeimehr, Neea Rusch, and Edward Tremel
Principles of Physics I Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Principles of Physics II Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Solar System Astronomy Ancillary Resources, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Ancillary Materials, Dmitriy Beznosko, Tatiana Krivosheev, and Brian Roberts
Circuits I Lab Manual and Ancillary Materials, Sandip Das, Craig Chin, and Sheila Hill
Principles of Chemistry I (GSU Perimeter), Antara Dutta, Maher Atteya, Ahmed Baosman, Mary Ann Cullen, Jeremy Speed-Schwartz, Maher Atteya, Candice McCloskey-Campbell, and Shalini Jain
OpenStax College Algebra Ancillary Materials, Amy Erickson, Katherine Pinzon, Keith Erickson, Joshua Roberts, and Tonya DeGeorge
Minorities in US History LibGuide, Jayme Feagin and Karen Huggin
World Civilizations I and II Video Textbook, Jayme Feagin, Bronson Long, Steve Blankenship, and J. Sean Callahan
Principles of Programming II, David Gibson and Noel Rojas
Lumen Waymaker Abnormal Psychology Adoption, Nancy Gup, April Crisp, Martha Fulk, and Sheeji Kathuria
Composition Open Materials Promoting Student Success (COMPSS), Christine Harkreader, Mary Lou Odom, Maria Badillo-Mendez, Laura W. Howard, and Sabnam Ghosh
Mobile Software Development Lab Activities, Selena He
Introduction to Social Work (GSU), Jan Ligon and Lionel Scott Jr.
Lecciones de Español, Dennis Miller, Rosario Vickery, and Courtney DuBois
Operating Systems Modules, Atef Mohamed, Christopher Kadlec, Hossain Shahriar, Dawn N. Cannon-Rech, and Deborah Walker
User Interface Engineering, Sarah North
Connections: Composition I (Clayton State University), Jennifer Parrott, Matthew Sansbury, Mary Lamb, Sipai Klein, Margaret Fletcher, and Jim Rickerson
OpenStax Calculus I Ancillary Materials, Katherine Pinzon, Joshua Roberts, Tonya DeGeorge, Barb Mann, and Chris Robinson
Computer Forensics (Graduate) Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
Computer Forensics (Undergraduate) Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
Management of IT Ancillary Materials, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Richard Halstead-Nussloch, Maria Valero, and Seyedamin Pouriyeh
OpenStax Concepts of Biology Ancillary Materials (EGA), Martiana Sega and Jimmy Wedincamp
Lumen Waymaker Introduction to Psychology Adoption, Jessica Traylor, Jane-Marie McKinney, and Autumn Schaffer
Software Acquisition and Project Management Materials, Susan VandeVen
Principles of Drug Design (Medicines by Design Adoption), Christine Whitlock and Dawn Cannon-Rech
IT Policy and Law (Undergraduate) Materials, Chi Zhang
IT Policy and Law (Graduate) Materials, Chi Zhang, Rebecca Rutherfoord, Guangzhi Zheng, and Susan VandeVen
Business Intelligence Systems Materials, Guangzhi Zheng
Books from 2021
Analytical Chemistry Lab Manual, Tashia Caughran, Jeremy Cooper, Jim Konzelman, and Dan Sexton
Basic Chemistry Ancillary Materials, Suzanne Ellenberger, Vince Du, Sara Blankenship, Ana West, Joel Caughran, and Rupa Gokal
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning Ancillary Materials, Houbin Fang, Nehal Shukla, and Elizabeth McInnis
Sociology of the Family, Daniel Farr and Judy Brown-Allen
OpenStax Sociology 2e and Sociology Experiment Adoptions, Daniel Farr, Joel Crombez, Cristina Stephens, Linda Treiber, and William White
Organic Chemistry Adoption, Megumi Fujita, Victoria Geisler, and Partha Ray
Survey of Chemistry II Textbook, Anne Gaquere-Parker, Chemera Ivory, and Jubilee Ojibo
Survey of Chemistry I Solved Problems Set, Anne Gaquere-Parker and Farooq Khan
OpenStax Entrepreneurship Adoption, Geoffrey Graybeal, Daniel Le, and Kate Kendall
Data Communication and Networking Ancillary Materials (2nd edition), Meng Han
Introduction to FinTech in IT Ancillary Materials, Meng Han
Computer Modeling and Simulations Ancillary Materials, Selena He, Patrick Bobbie, Chih-Cheng Hung, and Jose Gorrido
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Ulrike Ingram, Mark Patterson, Allison Bailey, Amber Ignatius, and Katayoun Mobasher
Business, Value, and You Excel Exercises, Leonard Jackson, William Bogner, M. James Kahiga, Janet Orr, Brent Winner, Kate Kendall, Leslie Dunn, Bryan Way, and Bryn Richardson
Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (D2L Export), Scott Jacques, Dean Dabney, Leah Daigle, Josh Hinkle, Natasha Johnson, and Marie Ouellet
Statistical Analysis in Criminal Justice (D2L Export), Scott Jacques, Dean Dabney, Leah Daigle, Josh Hinkle, Natasha Johnson, and Marie Ouellet
American Criminal Courts Curated Resources, Cyntoria Johnson and Thaddeus Johnson
Introduction to Computing Principles, Kaleigh Kendrick
Information Security, Umar Khokhar and Binh Tran
Survey of Engineering Applications from Mathematics, Lin Li, Robert Keyser, and Meng Han
Elementary French Ancillary Materials, Beth Mauldin, Kristina Mormino, and Federica Goldoni
Exploring Public Speaking Ancillary Materials, Susan McFarlane-Alvarez, Mark May, Jason Guthrie, and Jim Rickerson
Chemistry I No- and Low-Cost Adoption, John Meyers, Augustine Agyeman, Kelli Bain, Drew Brandon, Aubrey Dyer, and Emily Surber
Introductory Medical Microbiology Ancillary Materials (2021 Update), Veronica Morin, Andrew Dawson, Banhi Nandi, Kimberly Subacz, and Elizabeth Fleming
Introductory Physics II Video Lecture Series, Shafat Mubin
Saylor Introductory Statistics and OpenStax Introductory Statistics Adoption, Brian Muse, Madhusudan Bhandary, and Kristin Lilly
Intermediate Spanish, Amanda Nichols and Kathryn Garcia
OpenStax Introductory Statistics Adoption, Zephyrinus Okonkwo, Anilkumar Deverapu, Chinenye Ofodile, Anthony Smith, Li Feng, Vijay Kunwar, Laxmi Paudel, and Eric Benson
Intermediate Programming, Hyesung Park, Cynthia Johnson, Sonal Dekhane, Tacksoo Im, Wei Jin, and Yan Zong Ding
Introduction to Education Research Adoption (Library Resources), Elizabeth Pope and Phillip Grant
OpenDSA Data Structures and Algorithms Adoption, Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Caroll, and Japheth Koech
Introduction to Information Security (D2L Export), Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Carroll, and Japheth Koech
Java Programming Adoption, Lydia Ray, Rania Hodhod, Yesem Kurt Peker, Alfredo Perez, Hyrum Carroll, and Japheth Koech
Saylor Foundations of Business Law and the Legal Environment Ancillary Materials, Sheryne Southard and Xueyu Cheng
Quantitative Skills and Reasoning, Scott Sykes, James Bellon, Rob Burnham, Kyle Carter, Wesley Gay, and Nathan Rehfuss
Critical Thinking and Communication Ancillary Materials, Lisa Yount and Isadora Mosch
Submissions from 2020
Quantitative Reasoning Workbook, April Abbott, Elwanda Coston, Gary Dicks, Jan Gregus, Sheila McLendon, and Amanda Urquhart
ITEC 3200: Introduction to Databases, Sherly Abraham and Sonal Dekhane
Digital Accessibility Renewable Assignments, Jonathan Arnett and Tiffani Reardon
OpenStax Sociology Ancillary Materials, Rodger Bates and Karen Young
Global Business (GSU), Jacobus Boers, Daniel Le, Zoe Salloom, Valora Richardson, Tracy Adkins, and Linda Carter
Introduction to Nursing (GHC), Michelle Boyce, Debbie Amason, Paula Stover, Julius Fleschner, and Rebecca Maddox
NOBA Project Ancillary Materials for Abnormal Psychology, J. Sean Callahan, Elizabeth Dose, Luba Ibrahim, and Marla Means
Major Graded Assignment on Implicit Bias (PSYC 1101), J. Sean Callahan and Bentley Gibson
CPSC 1302: Computer Science II, Hyrum Carroll
OpenStax Physics Warm-Up Exercises, Thomas Colbert, Joseph Newton, and Josefa Guerrero-Millan
Français Interactif: Devoirs, Lisa Connell and Claire Ezekiel
WeBWorK Problems for OpenStax Introductory Statistics, Michael Dancs and Catherine Matos
NURS 3191: Professional Clinical Nursing, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3194: Pathophysiology, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3195: Evidence-Based Practice, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
NURS 3293: Introduction to Health Assessment, Sherika Derico, Amanda Hawkins, Parul Acharya, and Brittany Grissette
Ancillary Materials for OpenStax Precalculus (GCSU), Rachel Epstein and Marcela Chiorescu