Books from 2024
Adoption of Lumen Waymaker for Introduction to General Psychology and Introduction to Sociology, Sherry L. Serdikoff, Stephanie Alexander, Katherine Stewart, and Nancy Linden
Books from 2022
Great Works of African American Literature, Margaret Cox and Patricia West
Books from 2021
An Introduction to African and Afro-Diasporic Peoples and Influences in British Literature and Culture before the Industrial Revolution, Jonathan Elmore and Jenni Halpin
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, 5th Edition, Sherry Serdikoff
Critical Thinking and Communication Ancillary Materials, Lisa Yount and Isadora Mosch
Books from 2016
Principles of Chemistry I (Savannah State University), Cecil Jones, Adegboye Adeyemo, and Pascal Binda
Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning, Pamela Sachant, Peggy Blood, Jeffery LeMieux, and Rita Tekippe