The Roadrunner's Guide to English (2nd Edition)
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Summer 2019 Revision Notes: Due to a project delay, the EPUB and MOBI versions included here are considered Additional Files and currently draft versions of the second edition. More work will be done on these throughout Fall 2019.
Authors' Description:
This online book is designed to help students learn the skills they will need to do well in college-level classes. Some courses will focus on writing, some on reading, and some on a combination of the two; this book is designed to work with all of those classes.
Welcome, students, and remember: a skill is not a magical ability. By that, we mean it can be learned; you don't have to be born "good at" reading or writing. Like any other skill, reading and writing abilities improve through learning the step-by-step process to doing both, and through practice. We hope this book will help you develop your own skills.
Course Title
Learning Support English
Course Number
ENGL 0098
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Publication Date
Summer 2019
University System of Georgia
essays, grammar, style, english language learners
English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
Crisp, Jenny; Postell, Lydia; and Whitesell, Melissa, "The Roadrunner's Guide to English (2nd Edition)" (2019). English Open Textbooks. 9.