Accessibility Basics: Writing for Accessibility in Online Learning Environments
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The accessibility of materials used in e-learning environments has been a subject of growing concern over the past decade, especially with the significant turn to online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. This resource is designed to guide those new to the topic of accessibility and accessible design. While the various topics contained within are searchable on the web, this text strives to pull together disparate design resources for ensuring accessibility of content intended for electronic dissemination. In short, this is a basic “How-To” guide for making your media and documents accessible in e-learning environments and across the larger world wide web.
Course Title
Multiple Courses
Course Number
ENGL (Multiple Courses)
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Publication Date
Spring 2023
Accessibility, Online Learning
Online and Distance Education
Recommended Citation
Bahl, Erin; Bartlett, Stephen; Cornwell, Mary Margaret; Howard, Laura W.; and Rodenbeck, Jason, "Accessibility Basics: Writing for Accessibility in Online Learning Environments" (2023). English Open Textbooks. 24.