Contribute a Verse: An Introduction to First-Year Composition (all rights reserved)
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Author's Description:
In response to the Affordable Learning Georgia initiative, Dr. Tanya Bennett and ten colleagues from the University of North Georgia have written Contribute a Verse: A Guide to First Year Composition. This peer reviewed textbook, published by the University of North Georgia Press, combines a composition rhetoric manual with grammar and documentation instruction and resources, components that can be flexibly arranged to fit instructors’ classroom plans.
It includes a standard rhetoric instruction, information and practice for Standard English Grammar, and guidelines for the four most common documentation styles. Its reader compiles essays compiled for English 1101, focused for thematic discussion and selected for use in rhetorical analysis. The textbook also includes a glossary of pertinent terms and ancillary instructor resources.
Its contents include Reading Critically/Engaging the Material; Rhetorical Situations; Effective Argument; Introductions and Conclusions; Logic of Assertion, Evidence, and Interpretation; Documentation; Visual Rhetoric; Multi-Modality; Inter-disciplinary Writing; and Grammar.
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Course Title
English Composition I
Course Number
ENGL 1101
Publication Date
Summer 2017
University of North Georgia Press
English Language and Literature
Recommended Citation
Bennett, Tanya Long; Gessell, Donna; and Edelman-Young, Diana, "Contribute a Verse: An Introduction to First-Year Composition (all rights reserved)" (2017). English Open Textbooks. 12.