OpenEDUC: Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives in Diversity
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This open textbook was created under a Round Two ALG Textbook Transformation Grant.
Included are open-source reading materials, learning objectives, suggested readings and resources, and activities organized into content modules for undergraduate Foundations of Education courses. The specific course included here is EDUC 2120: Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives in Diversity.
Authors' Description:
"The fundamental knowledge of understanding culture and teaching children from diverse backgrounds. Examination of the nature and function of culture, development of individual and group cultural identity, definitions and implications of diversity, and the influences of culture on learning, development, and pedagogy. This course has a required field experience component."
Course Title
Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives in Diversity
Course Number
EDUC 2120
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Publication Date
Summer 2017
University System of Georgia
Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education
Recommended Citation
Cozart, Deanna; Dotts, Brian; Gurney, James; Walker, Tanya; Ingalls, Amy; and Castle, James, "OpenEDUC: Exploring Socio-Cultural Perspectives in Diversity" (2017). Education Open Textbooks. 8.