
Open Geography and GIS (Open Courses)

Material Type

Open Course

Publication Date

Spring 2019

Course Title

Introduction to Geography, Earth from Above

Course Number

GEOG 1101, GEOG 1102


Authors' Description:

Open Geography and GIS is a compilation of open educational resources used in Introductory Geography courses taught by three faculty at Kennesaw State University. This project is the product of an Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant.

GEOG 1101: Introduction to Geography

Vanessa Slinger-Friedman and Jason Rhodes

This introductory course focuses on the global patterns of population, culture, resources, and economic systems. Students will obtain an understanding of the factors contributing to these patterns, and examine contemporary world issues such as urbanization, economic development, and resource utilization from a geographic point of view.

GEOG 1102: Earth from Above

Ulrike Ingram

This is a survey course for any student with an interest in geography, maps, or geospatial data and technologies. Students will obtain fundamental geographic principles of place and space, and learn introductory geospatial techniques such as map reading, coordinate systems, and scale by using global positioning satellite receivers, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and Google Earth technologies. The course is designed to give students hands-on experience to collect, manipulate, analyze, and understand geospatial data.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

GEOG 1101 Materials.docx (49 kB)
GEOG 1101 Materials (.docx)

GEOG 1102 Materials.docx (33 kB)
GEOG 1102 Materials (.docx)
