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Download Volume 6 (.epub) (7.8 MB)

Download Volumes 4-6 (.epub) (11.5 MB)

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Download Volume 5 (.pdf) (14.0 MB)

Download Volume 6 (.pdf) (10.5 MB)


6/3/2022: The UNG Press and the editors of this anthology are looking into issues with links in Volumes 5 and 6. In the interim, Affordable Learning Georgia is providing a revision of this anthology with links to Open Library copies of materials, if possible and the WorldCat entry for each.

The Compact Anthology of World Literature, Parts 4, 5, and 6 is designed as an e-book to be accessible on a variety of devices: smart phone, tablet, e-reader, laptop, or desktop computer. Students have reported ease of accessibility and readability on all these devices.

  • To access the ePub text on a laptop, desktop, or tablet, you will need to download a program through which you can read the text. We recommend Readium, an application available through Google.
  • If you plan to read the text on an Android device, you will need to download an application called Lithium from the App Store.
  • On an iPhone, the text will open in iBooks.
  • Affordable Learning Georgia has also converted the .epub files to PDF. Because .epub does not easily convert to other formats, the left margin of the .pdf is very narrow. ALG recommends using the .epub version.

Although the text is designed to look like an actual book, the Table of Contents is composed of hyperlinks that will take you to each introductory section and then to each text. The three parts of the text are organized into the following units:

Part 4—The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Unit I: The Age of Reason

Unit II: The Near East and Asia

Part 5—The Long Nineteenth Century

Unit I Romanticism

Unit II Realism

Part 6—The Twentieth Century and Contemporary Literature

Unit I Modernism

Unit II Postcolonial Literature

Unit III Contemporary Literature

Texts from a variety of genres and cultures are included in each unit. Additionally, each selection or collection includes a brief introduction about the author and text(s), and each includes 3 – 5 discussion questions. Texts in the public domain--those published or translated before 1923--are replicated here. Texts published or translated after 1923 are not yet available in the public domain. In those cases, we have provided a link to a stable site that includes the text. Thus, in Part 6, most of the texts are accessible in the form of links to outside sites. In every case, we have attempted to connect to the most stable links available.

The following texts have been prepared with the assistance of the University of North Georgia Press in its role as Affordable Learning Georgia's Partner Press.

Affordable Learning Georgia partners with the University of North Georgia Press to assist grantees with copyright clearance, peer review, production and design, and other tasks required to produce quality Open Educational Resources (OER). The University Press is a peer-reviewed, academic press. Its mission is to produce scholarly work that contributes to the fields of innovative teaching, textbooks, and Open Educational Resources. Affordable Learning Georgia Textbook Transformation Grant funds may be used for services provided by the Press.

To determine how the University Press can assist ALG grantees or anyone interested in developing OER with ALG, the University Press will provide advance free consultations. Please contact the Press at 706-864-1556 or

“Textbook Transformation Grants” from Affordable Learning Georgia

Course Title

ENGL 2112

Course Number

World Literature II

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Publication Date

Summer 2018


University System of Georgia, University Press of North Georgia


world literature


English Language and Literature

Compact Anthology of World Literature II: Volumes 4, 5, and 6
